For up-to-date information (including order forms for carpet, electric, AV and catering) visit the ATCE Exhibitor Resources Page.

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DSATS Networking Event - $ 1,000.00
DSATS Networking Event - $ 2,500.00
Technical Section Dinner
DSEATS Technical Section Dinner - $ 2,500.00
Technical Section Dinner
DSEATS Technical Section Dinner - $ 5,500
Technical Section Dinner
SPE SDTS/Gaia Dinner - $ 2,500.00
Technical Section Dinner
SPE SDTS/Gaia Dinner - $ 5,500.00
Technical Section Dinner
WITS Dinner: Well Integrity and Empowering the Future Workforce - $ 2,500.00
Technical Section Dinner
WITS Dinner: Well Integrity and Empowering the Future Workforce - $ 5,500.00
Please contact with any questions.