For up-to-date information (including order forms for carpet, electric, AV and catering) visit the Exhibitor Resources page.

Sort By :

ATCE Conference Program
Outside Back Cover Ad in Conference Program (Exclusive)
1 left!$4,650.00
ATCE Conference Program
Full Page Ad in Conference Program (Non Exclusive)
ATCE Conference Program
1/2 Page Horizontal Ad in Conference Program (Non Exclusive)
ATCE Conference Program
1/4 Page Vertical Ad in Conference Program (Non Exclusive)
ATCE Conference Program
Exclusive Product Category
ATCE Partner
ATCE Champion
ATCE Partner
Bronze Sponsorship
ATCE Partner
Gold Sponsorship
ATCE Partner
Platinum Sponsorship
ATCE Partner
Silver Sponsorship
ATCE Partner
Strategic Partnership
Carpet Stickers
Bronze Sponsor: Carpet Stickers - Lots of 5 (Non Exclusive)
Carpet Stickers
Silver Sponsor: Carpet Stickers - Lots of 10 (Non Exclusive)
Conference Bags
Bronze Sponsor: Conference Bags - Sponsor Provides (Exclusive)
2 left!$7,000.00
Future Talent Zone
Platinum Sponsor: Future Talent Zone Partner (Non Exclusive)
2 left!$25,000.00
Future Talent Zone
Silver Sponsor: Future Talent Zone Event Sponsor (Non Exclusive)
3 left!$13,500.00
Hotel Bar Napkins
Bronze Sponsor: Napkins in HQ Hotel Bar (Exclusive)
1 left!$6,500.00
Hotel Key Cards
Silver Sponsor: Hotel Key Cards (Exclusive)
1 left!$11,000.00
Opening Reception
Gold Sponsor: Welcome Reception
Platinum Sponsor: PetroBowl Tier 2 Championship Platinum Partner (Non Exclusive)
3 left!$25,000.00
Strategic Partnership: PetroBowl Tier 1 Industry Partner (Exclusive)
1 left!$45,000.00
SPE Tech Talk - Live@ATCE
Silver Sponsor: SPE Tech Talk: Live@ATCE (Non Exclusive)
Startup Village
Startup Village Competition Award Ceremony Social - 5K
Startup Village
Startup Village - Platinum - $ 15K (Non Exclusive)
Startup Village
Startup Village - Gold - 10K (Non Exclusive)
Startup Village
Startup Village - Silver - 5K (Non Exclusive)
Startup Village
Startup Village - Bronze - 2.5K (Non Exclusive)
Startup Village
Startup Village Partner - 1K
Startup Village
Startup Village Supporter - $500.00
Student Meet & Greet
Bronze Sponsor: Student Meet & Greet (Non Exclusive)
3 left!$8,500.00

Bronze Sponsor: Carpet Stickers - Lots of 5 (Non Exclusive)

Carpet Stickers

Silver Sponsor: Carpet Stickers - Lots of 10 (Non Exclusive)

Carpet Stickers

Bronze Sponsor: Conference Bags - Sponsor Provides (Exclusive)

Conference Bags

Platinum Sponsor: Future Talent Zone Partner (Non Exclusive)

Future Talent Zone

Silver Sponsor: Future Talent Zone Event Sponsor (Non Exclusive)

Future Talent Zone

Bronze Sponsor: Napkins in HQ Hotel Bar (Exclusive)

Hotel Bar Napkins

Silver Sponsor: Hotel Key Cards (Exclusive)

Hotel Key Cards

Gold Sponsor: Welcome Reception

Opening Reception

Platinum Sponsor: PetroBowl Tier 2 Championship Platinum Partner (Non Exclusive)


Strategic Partnership: PetroBowl Tier 1 Industry Partner (Exclusive)


Silver Sponsor: SPE Tech Talk: Live@ATCE (Non Exclusive)

SPE Tech Talk - Live@ATCE

Bronze Sponsor: Student Meet & Greet (Non Exclusive)

Student Meet & Greet
Please contact with any questions.