Fastenal Manufacturing

15009 Lee Rd
Houston,  TX  77032

United States
  • Booth: 24

Fastenal's Manufacturing Division specializes in the CNC machining of stay rods, packing nuts, and other machined parts for the fracking industry.

As part of Fastenal, our Manufacuring Divsion owns and operates nine manufaucring sites and eight ISO 17025 testing labs worldwide.  Our range of machining sites and labs cover the US, UK, Malaysia & Asia.   

Our scope of solutions for the fracking industry includes machining stay rods, packing nuts, cages, keepers, piston rods, discharge covers, suctuion covers, discharge flanges, clamps, stuffing boxes and much more.

We are vertically intergrated with in-house coatings, platings, heat treating, mechanical testing, NDE testing and more.