Altus provides advanced casing and tubing analysis services.
Altus has been developing engineering tools to validate and push the outer boundaries of the tubular envelope for over 20 years. A JIP was initiated to further evaluate the thermal interaction of wells and later expanded to include drilling & cementing, VLE, APB, and tubular stress analysis. Altus has the only validated, non-black box transient thermal / stress model that is using REST API Microservices and can be implemented in a plug and play OSDU compliance data environment. Some known shortcomings of WellCat(TM) were confirmed and others identified. The Perifor(TM) tool will permit automated load condtions to be evaluated with flags for an SME to follow up with addtional analysis and senstivities. The most difficult part of tubular analysis is getting the loads correct, in particular the correct temperature and pressure profiles. If the loads are incorrect, then the stress calcuations will also be incorrect.