
None,  TX  78751

United States
  • Booth: 300

Meet the winners of the 2023 Drillbotics Student Competition

Drillbotics® is an international competition organized by SPE’s Drilling Systems Automation Technical Section (DSATS). Universities must model a full-scale drilling rig to autonomously drill a directional well.  Teams simulate the rig equipment and controls, the drillstring and bit, and interaction with the formation.  Their algorithms must handle drilling dysfunctions autonomously.  Alternately, teams may create a digital twin of a full-scale rig, its functions and all downhole interactions.  They will also drill a directional well while dealing with drilling dysfunctions. We also offered an option to detect a kick automaticslly while drilling directionally.

Directional targets are only available immediately before the final test and teams have limited time to respond.  Once they enter the well targets, their system must create a well plan autonomously that produces the best well at the fastest ROP.  The virtual rig interfaces with Norce's well simulator.

Visit booth 300 to meet the winners of the Drillbotics International Student Competition and to learn more about their winning entries!

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